Laws, Decrees, Guidelines and Ordinances

The Sint Maarten Trust Fund, financed by the Government of the Netherlands, is managed by the World Bank and implemented by the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) on behalf of the Government of Sint Maarten. The Enterprise Support Project (ESP) is one of the initiatives funded through this Trust Fund.

Compliance Requirements

Projects funded by the Trust Fund must adhere to both Sint Maarten’s national laws and the World Bank’s guidelines. Medium- and small-sized businesses receiving financing through the ESP are required to comply with all relevant national regulations and World Bank guidelines.

Importance of Compliance for Business Owners

As a business owner, understanding and complying with relevant laws and guidelines is crucial for operating a successful enterprise. The ESP encourages all potential applicants to familiarize themselves with these regulations. To assist with this, the NRPB has compiled a list of pertinent national legislation and policies, as well as World Bank guidelines.

Understanding Laws, Decrees, Guidelines, and Ordinances

  • Laws: These are binding rules that protect general safety and ensure citizens’ rights against abuses by individuals, organizations, and the government. Laws form the foundation for regulations, policies, and procedures.
  • Decrees: These are official orders issued by a legal authority, typically used to enforce laws and regulations. Decrees have the force of law and are often used to implement policy changes.
  • Guidelines: These are recommended practices that provide direction and advice on how to comply with laws and regulations. While not legally binding, guidelines help ensure best practices and consistency.
  • Ordinances: These are local laws enacted by municipal governments. Ordinances govern specific aspects of community life and business operations within a particular locality.

Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures provide roadmaps for day-to-day operations, ensure compliance with laws, guide decision-making, and streamline internal processes. Businesses applying for ESP funding must adhere to these local laws, policies, guidelines, and applicable international standards.

Available Resources

Below is an overview of the key local laws, policies, and guidelines, along with international guidelines that may apply to your business. Enterprises are encouraged to review these resources thoroughly and seek further assistance if needed.

For any questions or additional support, please contact the NRPB.
If you would like to submit an official complaint concerning on of our projects click this link: Grievance Redress Mechanism